Machine-building company “UGLEPROM”

The company “UGLEPROM” is the leader of the Ukrainian market of mechanical engineering, engineering and industrial construction.

For more than twenty years, our team has been performing non-standard technical tasks for the manufacture, installation, modernization and adjustment of production lines.

Our clients are companies:

  • pulp and paper industry,
  • engineering industry,
  • the cement industry,
  • metallurgy, mining and metallurgical complex
  • timber industry,
  • other industries.



Why us

ISO 9001: 2015
Сomplex approach
Huge experience

Latest news

Transfer tambours with leveling platform
Transfer tambours with leveling platform
Our company manufactures transfer tambours withleveling platform for loading and unloading cars onwarehouse terminals.Transfer tambours at a right angle and at an angle of 30, 45 °. (mo...
Production of spare parts for hydraulic units and presses has been mastered
Production of spare parts for hydraulic units and presses has been mastered
Our company has mastered the production of spare parts for hydraulic units and presses for pressing cotton (hydraulic valves, hydraulic units) for the company LTD "MKT Istehsalat-Kommersiya...
Vibration stabilization of welded structures
Vibration stabilization of welded structures
The company LLC PTK Ugleprom acquired equipment, mastered the technology and provides services for vibration stabilization of large and medium-sized welded structures, weighing up to 12 ton...

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